Madison, an agriculture student at the University of California, Davis, spends her days nurturing plants and intends to utilize her skills in Central Valley after graduation. After bidding farewell to her husband Walter, she headed to work at the local public library.
Little does she know that her day will take a drastic turn, forcing her to flee for her life from a Suburban filled with essential supplies such as food and water. While dealing with the everyday struggles of life is one thing, preparing oneself for survival in the face of a complete collapse is an entirely different challenge.
The end of the world has a way of revealing both the best and worst aspects of human nature. As the Sloanes find themselves cut off from communication and abandoned by the government, they must confront the demise of the modern world without any external support. Will Madison and her companions possess the necessary skills and resilience to navigate their way back to Sacramento and reunite with their families? Can Tracy defend against looters and thieves while also aiding her friends and neighbors in their fight for survival?
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